From this work, the researchers used gravimetric measurements of these filters to demonstrate and validate an analytical model for smoke deposition based on thermophoresis. National Research Council, Washington, D.C. (USA), Oullette J (2008) ATF FRL Fire Test Report 3589, 3593, 3595. The researchers also concluded that the fire pattern at the true origin persisted in all three tests. Combining the definition of pattern with the current definition of fire patterns provides a better definition. U-shaped development, also known as U-shaped learning, is the typical pattern by which select physical, artistic, and cognitive skills are developed. 2003). doi:10.1128/AEM.02526-07, Jowsey A (2007) Fire Imposed Heat Fluxes for Structural Analysis. They also stated that based on the clean zone area, the flame height and the fire size can be calculated (Riahi 2012). Fire Technology 8(3):196217, Harmer R, Nolan T, Moss R, Thaman R (1983) Liquid Burn Patterns on Linoleum. The upper layer gases are elevated in temperature and have the ability to radiate heat downward onto the tops of contents throughout the compartment. plastics, wood) will result in either physical or chemical changes. Illustrations from this first discussion are still found today in the current edition of NFPA 921 showing a cross-section of a floor with greater beveling or loss of mass indicating direction (NFPA 2014). This can help determine the origin point. The pin size was based on the Mealy (2013) research, which resulted in a pressure of 1175psi (0.86kg/mm2). 14, 4th edn. Underwriters Laboratories, Illinois (USA), Kerber S, Walton W (2005) Effect of Positive Pressure Ventilation on a Room Fire. Fire investigators describe this consistent damage to tops of contents as radiant heat damage being caused by the upper layer. These researchers proffered that the closer the fuel item burning was to the wall surface, the sharper the contrast and angle to the lines of demarcation and the more likely the damage would resemble a V in shape. char, are all descriptions of damage caused by a. Finally, the study was conducted with a variety of digital cameras and they found that the optical properties were not dependent on the camera used. International Association of Arson Investigators 61:3844, Crofton, MD, McCaffrey B, Quintiere J (1977) Buoyancy-driven counter-current flows generated by a fire source. Ngu performed simple bench top tests to evaluate this tools ability to reliably obtain depth measurements. This misconception was dispelled in the first edition of NFPA 921 and is not prevalent within the current profession (Bieber 2014). The damage that would result would be dependent on the location of the origin of the plume and distance to the intersecting obstructions. This was the first time that a distinction was drawn between damage caused by the fire (fire effects) and clusters of fire effects that may have characteristics that assist the fire investigator (fire patterns). This suggests that many investigators have received the majority of their training through informal on-the-job training. In addition, they may not know where or how to obtain additional information, or how to judge the value of the information in the context of the overall decision. Cue 3-increased magnitude of damage around opening within 2 times the opening width (2wv). The ignition varied where four tests had a 2ft (0.61m) diameter pan of Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) used to ignite a small electrical appliance adjacent to the television set, two tests were ignited by applying the IPA fueled fire directly to the television set and the last two non-full room involvement tests were ignited with the use of newspaper sheets under the cushion and on the floor in front of the upholstered chair. 1997; NFPA 2014; Gottuk and White 2008). (3.48m3.58m) with a ceiling height of 8ft (2.4m). Google Scholar, Babrauskas V (1981) Will the second item ignite? increases. The researchers noted differences and attributed these to small variations in the inflow of air. More recent research has identified heat flux values between 25 and 50kW/m2 reported at 1m away from more modern fuel packages, including king size mattresses, upholstered chairs and sleeper sofas (Madrzykowski and Kerber 2009). The literature identified that investigators use the damage in two different ways. Arson A fire started deliberately Fire Triangle Info represents the three elements, needed for fire to occur: heat, fuel, and oxygen Fuel + Oxygen + Heat = Fire Fuel (1997)) and Gorbett et al. This deconstruction of the problem provides a gap analysis of the current processes and identifies areas where future work is needed. 111 0 obj
The next identified process was promulgated by John Kennedy in 1962 and was termed the Pointer or Arrow Theory (Kennedy 1959). 4 and 5). Fire investigation plays a critical role in identifying potentially faulty or improperly designed and installed products that may have played a role in the fire and in identifying persons that deliberately started a fire with malicious intent. The greater the distance between the base of the plume and the surface of the wall or content surface will result in a substantially decreased heat flux to the surface (Qian and Saito 1992). The sides exposed to the direction from which the fire is coming will be more severely burned and charred. Identifying processes of using fire patterns in determining an area of origin. fuels, building materials, furnishings, contents. Heat damage to the surface linings and the contents within the compartment after the fire is frequently the most readily visible and measurable. This will leave a series of burned studs, which serve as pointers or arrows to trace the fire (Kennedy 1959). Attributing a fundamental interpretation to an observation, specifically one that ties the underlying physics to an observation, is a major key to accurately determining the true fire scenario and area of origin. This method or a similar method should be further explored using the work done for gypsum wallboard (Gorbett et al. Charles C. Thomas Publisher, Illinois (USA), Francis J, Chen A (2012) Observable characteristics of flashover. Self-published, California (USA), Stratakis G, Stamatelos A (2003) Thermogravimetric analysis of soot emitted by a modern diesel engine run on catalyst-doped fuel. Soot deposited in rooms away from the room of origin have a fairly uniform soot deposition on all surfaces extending from floor to ceiling (Wolfe et al. Department of Fire Protection Engineering, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 100 Institute Road, Worcester, MA, 01609, USA, Gregory E Gorbett,Brian J Meacham,Christopher B Wood&Nicholas A Dembsey, Department of Fire Protection and Paramedicine Sciences, Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation Program, Eastern Kentucky University, 521 Lancaster Avenue, Richmond, KY, 40475, USA, FireLink, LLC, 1501 Main Street, Suite 17, Tewksbury, MA, 01876, USA, You can also search for this author in These studies contended that the use of the heat and flame vector analysis enabled the investigator to determine the true area of origin. In this work, the authors outlined a system that described char as being on a range from Number 0 Char up to Number 10 Char, with number 10 char as representing the greatest level of damage. Several of the early texts described using undamaged areas on the floor or walls to help with reconstruction of contents within the compartment (Kennedy 1959; Kirk 1969). Fire patterns are the principal artifacts that fire investigators use to trace the origin and development of a fire. This survey also related that the average fire investigator has only received 60h of training, indicating a one-to-two week course. A better definition is warranted for this term. walls) in the form of a funnel or cone with the vertex at the bottom. In addition, if these gases were undergoing flaming combustion as they exited the opening, thermal damage to the wall surface is expected to follow the same theory (DeHaan and Icove 2011). The most common definition of a pattern is something that happens in a regular and repeated way, combination of qualities forming consistent or characteristic arrangement and frequent or widespread incidence (Pattern 2015). In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Operations Research. Pearson/Brady, New Jersey (USA), Delichatsios M (1984) Flame Heights of Turbulent Wall Fire with Significant Flame Radiation. 2007; Jarman et al. 2008), including with respect to fire investigation (Biedermann et al. United States Department of Justice, Washington, D.C. (USA), Brannigan F, Bright R, Jason N (1980) Fire Investigation Handbook. Department of Justice, USA, Milke J, Hill S (1997) Full-scale room fire experiments conducted at the University of Maryland. 10). The first is that the apexFootnote 1 of the V-pattern indicates an origin (Barracato 1979). Cue 4- level lines of demarcation along all wall surfaces. The square root of height of the opening is the relevant determinant of the max velocity (Babrauskas 1980; Quintiere 1995). These white areas were similar in appearance to clean burn patterns at first glance, but were shown upon closer examination to be differentiated based on smeared, directional appearance with observable water drip marks. sill height (0.812m). A few of the studies also indicated that truncated cone patterns, specifically V-patterns, were located away from the true origin causing confusion for the investigators (Hoffmann et al. Combustion and Flame 132:157159, Pennsylvania (USA), Sugawa O, Kawagoe K, Oka K, Ogahara I (1989) Burning behavior in a poorly ventilated compartment fire ghosting fire. Average velocities of natural ventilation flows through windows have been recorded between 0.5 and 1.0m/s (1.14.4 mph) depending on the sill height and elevation of the opening within the wall (Kerber 2010; Kerber and Walton 2005; Quintiere and McCaffrey 1980). Fire investigation (origin and cause determination) is an integral part of the total fire safety model, including fire prevention and protection for a community. Once these parameters are identified and organized, various techniques can be applied to facilitate the collection of critical information, analysis of the data and facilitation of a decision. The reported velocity of flows from wind-assisted or mechanically induced flows through the bottom of a door and window can be on the order of 10m/s (22 mph) (Kerber and Walton 2005; Madrzykowski and Kerber 2009). 2014). Plenary Paper Presented at the International Symposium on Fire Investigations. Google Scholar, DSM-IV-TR (2000) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. As the fire continues to grow, the pattern becomes . This damage begins to obscure some of the earlier lines of demarcation from the upper layer. Surface effect is the result of the nature and material of the surface which contains the fire pattern, affecting the actual shape of the lines of demarcation displayed, or increasing Floor patterns were found lacking in many of the fire pattern tests where the compartment transitioned to a fully involved state (Shanley et al. To accomplish this goal, the authors suggested that the area of origin could be identified through the use of damage by both (1) retracing the fires path by the forces bearing on it and (2) retracing or reconstructing the path of the fire by the effects produced. predominantly fuel-controlled or ventilation-controlled) produce substantially lower temperatures. In one of these tests it was found that other burn patterns in the flashover tests showed similar misleading patterns from asymmetric burning of a television set, with the most damage on the side away from the origin of the fire to patterns on the gypsum walls indicating a V-pattern pointing to a television stand and associated electronics (Hoffmann et al. Finally, the availability of processes using fire patterns in determining an area of origin was assessed. In the report, the authors outlined the need to improve the scientific foundations of the forensic disciplines, particularly those that are dependent on qualitative analyses and expert interpretation of observed patterns, including fire investigations (NIJ 2009). A number of those investigators have taken very little additional training since their basic training and, of those, some do not recognize how flawed their early training was or the impact of how the lack of training regarding current techniques influences their conclusions. The fire is considered to be under-ventilated at higher values of >1.0. The damage data used by fire investigators in origin determination starts with the ability of the investigator to observe varying damage along surfaces of contents, walls, ceiling, floor and structural members. Fire Science & Technology 9(2):514, Swab S (1985) Consideration of Depth of Char When Establishing Fire Burn Times. doi:10.1111/1556-4029.12616, Gottuk D (1992) The Generation of Carbon Monoxide in Compartment Fires. 1997). 14). Wood stud wall with varying DOFD char damage, Depth of char contour plot of wood stud wall depicted in Fig. Wood has been and remains a common material used for construction of structures and contents. The results confirmed that the use of this method was appropriate for these three test fires (Shanley et al. The proposed definition for fire patterns is. To accomplish this, the researchers evaluated the variability of the flame height in comparison to the height and area of damage. Later in a fires development, an upper layer begins to form and starts transferring heat to the wall and ceiling surfaces. However, an assumption can be made for fuel-controlled fires that higher temperatures will occur at the plume interface with any building or contents surface. 2013). Interscience Communications, London (UK), Meacham B (2000) Application of a Decision-Support Tool for Comparing and Ranking Risk Factors for Incorporation into Performance-Based Building Regulations. As such, material properties were already discussed in the degree of fire damage assessment and will not be duplicated here. ATF, Ammendale, MD, Pattern (2015) Merriam Webster Dictionary. A U-shape could indicate that there was a "pool of origin" rather than a point of origin, such as might be caused by, say, a puddle of gasoline. 2009-DN-BX-K232. The scene investigators most important hypothesis is the correct identification of the origin of the fire (NFPA 2014). As explained in this method, the two-dimensional shapes and patterns would be formed by the overall three-dimensional plume as it intersected these surfaces resulting in V-shape and U-shape patterns on walls, contents and vertical structural member and Radial-shaped patterns on the ceiling and horizontal obstructions. There are a total of 17 fire effects listed in NFPA (2014) that serve as the base list of observations for fire investigators (Table1). National Institute of Justice, Grant # 2007-DN-BX-K240, Wood C, Simeoni A, Foley R (2012) Preliminary Results of the Effect of Carpet Pad Seams Compared to Ignitable Liquid Pours, Floor Fire Patterns in Post-Flashover Fires, Paper presented at the International Symposium on Fire Investigations. The visible appearance of wallboard has been utilized in all fire pattern studies available, even though only a few studies exist that focus on the baseline characteristics of the varying degree of heating and resulting DOFD (Madrzykowski and Fleischmann 2012; Hicks et al. 1997). Investigations Institute, Illinois (USA), Kennedy J (1977) Fire, Arson and Explosion Investigation. CRC Press, Boca Raton (USA), Madrzykowski D, Fleischmann C (2012) Fire Pattern Repeatability: A Study in Repeatability. They also discussed that locations and conditions of ventilation openings as functioning in two different capacities, where the fire could pass to the next roomor it may be a source of incoming air to feed the fire (Straeter and Crawford 1955). Department of Justice, USA, Mealy C, Gottuk D (2012) A Study of Calcination of Gypsum Wallboard. Saddle burns display deep charring. A new method of using digital image analysis may also work in increasing the objectivity of identifying varying DOFD (Riahi et al. National Fire Protection Association, Massachusetts (USA), Harmathy T (1972) A new look at compartment fires, part I and part II. Additional file 1 outlining the variables for all experimental tests reviewed has been developed and also provided. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Fire Investigations. One of the most important findings is that combustion was found to occur detached from fuel items and found to burn nearest the open ventilation source if the global equivalence ratio () in the fire room becomes larger than unity, typically between 1.2 and 1.6 depending on temperature (Thomas and Bennets 1999; Utiskul 2007). The dominant sources for heat transfer during a compartment fire stem from the following: Fire plume associated with a burning fuel item/package, Diffusion flames where the fuel and air mix at the combustion site (i.e. This first edition was also the first time fire patterns were organized into one document. First Asian Conference on Fire Science and Technology, China, Quintiere J (1995) Compartment Fire Modeling. The variances in composition and fire performance of different types and different manufacturers will be something that requires further research. 1997; NFPA 2014; Gorbett et al. This area of damage opposite the door had angled lines of demarcation that extended from the floor to the ceiling. The high temperature gases and soot in the upper layer influences the patterns formed on lining materials of the compartment and contents. 1997; NFPA 2014; Carman 2008). Fire pattern was first used to describe how the fire developed or had traveled as described by Kirk, every fire forms a pattern that is determined chiefly by the configuration of the environment and the availability of combustible material (Kirk 1969). The majority of these texts stated that the investigator should consider the damage to be caused by an ignitable liquid if the investigator would visibly observe damage to the floor in the shape of a puddle, have hard-edged burn marks in the shape of a pour, or the damage had the appearance of trailers (i.e. Smoke patterns are deposits of carbon on walls and ceilings, carried there in the heat plume. This project consisted of 10 separate full-scale tests to produce the first scientifically controlled and recorded research into the formation, growth and investigation of patterns produced in fires. Identifying the cause of the damage is complicated by the fact that the investigator has to use evidence after the event, such as the location and magnitude of damage, compartment geometry, ventilation openings and the position and number of fuels as a means to identify the range of initial conditions that may have influenced how the fire developed. 2003). Cue 5-increased area and magnitude of damage under the window. Forensic science is defined as the application of a broad spectrum of sciences to answer questions of interest to the legal system, including both criminal and civil actions (Houck and Siegel 2006). Several researchers supported this analysis but questioned the practical application of such a method (Schroeder 1999; Kennedy et al. 1997; Carman 2008; Gorbett et al. More experienced fire investigators would mentor less experienced fire investigators, unfortunately in some cases, passing on what has since become realized as a collection of myths (NFPA 2014). When a fire develops in an enclosure, the products of combustion (e.g. Investigators work backward from the outer lines, examining everything in the fire's path for clues to the direction in which the fire was moving. Cue 3- increasing lines of demarcation moving out of vent openings. Custer was the first to discuss a concept of shadowing by content items and how these areas of lesser damage assisted the investigator in identifying direction of heat exposure (Custer and Wright 1984). A literature review was performed in order to achieve the objectives of this study. If the burning fuel package was located at or very near the vertical witness surface, then the expected fire pattern is shaped as a V, evidenced by its angulated lines of demarcation. Interpretation of the causal factors for the generation of the fire patterns was next appraised. Smoke consists of liquid aerosols, solid particulates (i.e. Appl Environ Microbiol 74(11):35733582. National Institute of Standards and Technology, NIST Monograph 179, Gaithersburg, MD, Posey E, Posey J (1983) Using Calcination of Gypsum Wallboard to Reveal Burn Patterns. In 1985, Cooke and Ide put forward a process termed radius of error (Cooke and Ide 1985). Several studies concerning ventilation-controlled fires throughout the years have introduced a concept of a ventilation factor (\( {A}_v\sqrt{h_v} \)) and illustrated the importance of ventilation openings on a fires growth by analyzing the size of ventilation openings, locations of these openings within the compartment and the shear mixing that occurs at the interface of the opening (Kawagoe 1958; Thomas and Heslden 1972; Harmathy 1972; Thomas and Bennets 1999; Utiskul 2007; Sugawa et al. 2006; Hicks et al. A seven step reasoning process for evaluating damage for determining the area of origin, along with a new definition for the term fire pattern is proposed. Comparing Delichatsioss (1984) simple correlation of flame height for wall fires to the average damage height identified in Madrzykowskis study shows that the calculated flame height under-predicted the damage height by approximately 711% for the natural gas burner and gasoline fires. The first attempt at consolidating patterns was the first edition of NFPA 921, however many misconceptions had spawned up between the early 1960s and the publication of NFPA 921 (NFPA 1992). Exposure of materials to the byproducts of combustion can also lead to damage that may be useful to the investigator. Investigations Institute, Florida (USA), Gorbett G, Meacham B, Wood C (2010b) Development and Assessment of a Decision Support Framework for Enhancing the Forensic Analysis and Interpretation of Fire Patterns. The determination of the mature of an irregular pattern should not be made by visual interpretation of the pattern alone. The damage cues evaluated for ventilation-generated damage included: Cue 1- increased area and magnitude of damage within the airflow from the opening. Interscience Communications, London (UK), Houck M, Siegel J (2006) Fundamentals of Forensic Science. 2013). 2008; Madrzykowski and Fleischmann 2012; NFPA 2014). and more. Consequently, temperatures in the upper layer will also vary based on local variations in this combustion. Fire investigation textbooks, guides and studies describe the use of lines or areas of demarcation in assessing damage. There are several effects that may occur to gypsum wallboard when exposed to heat and fire conditions, including: color changes, soot deposition, charred paper, paper consumed and clean burn (Fig.
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These tests evaluated many aspects of fire investigations, including the presence of ignitable liquid residue after extinguishment, fire patterns, depth of calcination and the fire dynamics of an under-ventilated compartment. California Privacy Statement, A substantial degree of damage is often times found directly adjacent to or opposite of window and door openings. Scene photograph of suspected ignitable liquid pour (Wood et al. The average velocity of natural buoyancy driven flows or natural ventilation through the bottom of a door during ventilation-controlled conditions is approximately 1.52.0m/s (3.44.4 mph) (Kerber 2010; Quintiere and McCaffrey 1980). location and elevation). He lists causal factors for this white area of damage as possibly hose stream wash, surface paper burned off leaving a clean noncombustible surface behind, or the wall may have been surfaced differently prior to the fire (i.e. 1997; Carman 2008; Gorbett et al. (1991) witnessed a 5070% decrease in peak heat flux values when small standoff distances (0.050.25m) were employed. Some of these indicators used were alligatoring, crazing of glass, depth of char, lines of demarcation, sagged furniture springs and spalled concrete. In 1992, NFPA 921s first edition identified most of these old indicators as misconceptions. Section 2, Ch. For more information, contact: Fire Findings L.L.C. The level of damage was varied based on the visible appearance of the number of cracks within set distances and the widths of those cracks. Chemical changes include the decomposition/pyrolysis, dehydration, or changes in color. The one test that deviated showed a V-pattern emanating from the floor behind the entertainment center giving the appearance that the fire origin could be interpreted to be located on or near the floor behind the entertainment center when the fire origin was to the left and along side the television inside the entertainment center (Hoffmann et al. Correspondence to The statistics can be found in the Excel Spreadsheet associated with this review paper. Hicks et al. Specifically, the hypothesis that carpet pad seams could mimic the floor fire patterns previously attributed to ignitable liquid pours was examined. Their study showed that the smoke pattern was determined for the wall tests and showed a difference between test conditions and very good agreement for the method for all test conditions (Riahi 2012). Around the late 1970s there was a movement within the profession to describe fire patterns by descriptions of their geometric shapes (e.g. The statistics can be found in Additional file 1 associated with this review paper. Different types and different manufacturers will be more severely burned and charred are deposits of Monoxide..., Houck M, Siegel J ( 1977 ) fire, Arson and Explosion investigation Investigations! Is not prevalent within the current profession ( Bieber 2014 ), Jowsey a ( 2007 ) fire heat! The late 1970s there was a movement within the profession to describe fire patterns in determining area! ( 2013 ) research, which resulted in a fires development, an upper layer influences the formed... Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders time fire patterns are deposits of Carbon Monoxide in fires! This, the availability of processes using fire patterns previously attributed to ignitable liquid pour ( wood et al first... 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