If Btonu had comparable experiences with the horse, as similar materials may suggest, then what would the inferred time frame allow us to conclude about the history of the people and their contact with the Yorb? This is believed to be a powerful spirit that picks whatever is said and makes it happen, if not immediately very soon. And, in what form could each or both of them have encountered the creature for the first time? | The Physical and Spiritual Aspects: https://youtu.be/Y5pnjTY0GXI M Y O T H E R S T U F FWriting: 2nd Channel - The High Priestess: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF4YyBWtXnqXP3SJ7WVOMKwC H A N N E L S U P P O R TTo adopt and/or help me grow my channel, you may click on the button, share my videos, sponsor me on Patreon- https://patreon.com/yorubalessons, or send me monetary gifts via PayPal- https://paypal.me/aderonkebabajide. However, from the Yorb viewpoint, traditional Yorb medicine further delves into other aspects in terms of the patient's emotional and spiritual balance/imbalance.Yorubic medicine has come to be widely known in Nigeria as the ultimate traditional medical practice due to its holistic approach to treatment. In this essay, I explore the production and use of charm and amulets in Yoruba culture. It is usually prepared with black soap . Furthermore, in putting a value on If objects, beaded rkr (1,200 cowries) ranks after only gr (at 3,200 cowries) and rk, the usually ornately adorned ivory tapper used to invoke rnml at the start of a consultation. In addition to its sacred characteristics, Ashe-Power also has important social ramifications, reflected in its translation as "power, authority, command.". Table 8 Names that incorporate the horse and rider predicates. Cet article utilise des donnes linguistiques et culturelles tangibles pour mettre en question des hypothses de migration du Moyen-Orient, avec des chos d'hritage smitique. And we would still be interested in what the lore of both the Btonu and the Yorb allows us to deduce about their common and/or separate past. This is, of course, possible; but is it plausible to suggest that both the discourse and its terms of reference are adventitious developments, which date from the relatively recent contact with Islam, post-seventh century CE? For one thing, the lexical formative r in rkr in animal anatomy refers strictly to the tail.Footnote 27 To the extent, therefore, that the ba's rkr is made of the mane of a white ram, that term may be argued to properly refer to ba's item of power; only analogically and, because of the force of its application in the hands of ba and babalwo, did it come to refer to a horse's tail, for reasons of morphological similarity.Footnote 28 This argument suggests that the presence of the horse in the Yorb tradition pre-dates the tradition of ba, and, ipso facto, it also pre-dates the association of the beaded crown with the , which the ba dispenses with rkr (see Figure 1). I am a professional Spiritual Healer. Ork has a primordial status among Yorb verbal arts. hasContentIssue true, The horse in Yorb discourse and material culture, The horse and rider predicate in personal names and naming, The horse in other spheres of Yorb life, Copyright International African Institute 2018. Yorubas are great believers of preventative medication. The historical relationship between b and Btonu and, by implication, between the entire Yorb group and Btonu goes beyond names and naming. Phrases relating to horses and their equipment, Names that incorporate the horse and rider predicates, https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parent__plaisanterie, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bariba_people, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yoruba_people, https://ich.unesco.org/en/dcisions/9.COM/10.31, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kisra_legend, https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/1999/07/990712080500.htm, https://www.upi.com/Scientists-say-humans-may-have-triggered-desertification-of-the-Sahara/9811489520599/. J gon, literally, eat gon: This expression refers to the custom that grants practical licence in face-to-face encounters among family members in relationships of gon. Please continue to support me.Link to this channel: youtube.com/yorubalessonsEmail: yorubarelated@gmail.comMy Intro: https://youtu.be/TU-BSdybVM8V I D E O T I T L E W I T H O U T T O N E M A R K S F O R E A S Y S E A R C HAba Talagemo Ba Da Ni Orisa/Oosa Oke n GbaR E F E R E N C E D V I D E O S R E F E R E N C E D Of: An Introduction to Incantations: https://youtu.be/0yf4HbMWYcA Algemo Ti Bmo R N: https://youtu.be/Uk416FRy9DA se | What Does 'Ase' Mean? When people keep enjoying musical lyrics such as Kukere & Azonto, I was falling in love with incantational lyrics, what brought about this? In the conventional way they drum, sing, and dance with horse-tail fly-whisk in hand, ride on horseback with or without a weapon (in the case of victory in war or success of a similar nature), and make ritual sacrifice to express their gratitude to rnml. How Can a Love Spell Caster Create White Magic Love Spells for You? Would the resulting timeline challenge the validity of the putative date of the Persian origin of the Btonu people and culture, or of the Semitic provenance of the Yorb people and culture? These would have been worn around the neck like the linked edan of gb elders. Scholars have examined . Similarly, some momentous occasions even demanded human sacrifices in the Yorb past. 36 In play in these names are the names of r (divinities), gn (of the arts), l (revered social status), d (hunter, metonymically gn, since hunters use and are knowledgeable in fashioned implements, for cultivation, the arts and war), yn (of music and the drum as a language surrogate), and ynb (white person and all that he or she stands for in the course of their historical contact with the Yorb, in particular hubris and presumed superiority). More importantly, neither yak nor gon has a known reflection or cognate in any identifiable Middle Eastern tradition. As the Yorb omi lnyn excerpt above suggests, it is by no means self-evident that any or all of the peoples in the sub-region of West Africa could not have migrated from the Middle East or from anywhere else, for that matter. At once personal, ecological, and transcultural, holism has become the new health paradigm for the 21st century.[6]. Olkn in enjoyed unusual benefits of power distinct from ascribed authority. Certainly, the picture in Igbo discourse imbues the oil in the yam, to make the eating experience extraordinary. Just look for Brother Corhyn. It was divined for knkdk [sweet potato] who is the king of yams, And the horsetail who was the child of Olkun nad [Creator God], It was predicted that by the time the horsetail had become famous and prosperous, We respect the horsetail in admirationFootnote 32. By language, I do not mean isolable morphemes and lexical items, although one may consider them symbols par excellence that embody significant memories. Now, consider what Palau Mart has to say about gon in b: J gon, litt., manger le gon: cette expression implique l'exercise de certains droits l'encontre de l'associ gon; ces droits consistent en brimades et insultes qui peuvent driver en voies de fait, mais c'est l le cas exceptionnel , En effect, ici le gon ne s'exerce jamais entre parents de sang; c'est la relation d'alliance qui doit se trouver la base de ce mode d'association qui, par ailleurs, peut s'tablir entre groups en dehors de toute rfrence la parent. Aucune donne plausible ne permet de suggrer que les Yorb et les Btonu ne sont pas des populations autochtones des territoires identifis comme leurs foyers nationaux au sud et l'ouest de la confluence du fleuve Niger et de la rivire Benue. We wish to absolve him of any and all infelicitous use or interpretation we make of these texts. Hadith of River Euphrates expalination about Gold mountain by Sheikh Imran Hoseinriver Farat. Again, one suspects that conclusions from these lines of inquiry would suggest a probable time of contact that pre-dates the fourteenth-century migration hypothesis. We will content ourselves with this one robust example to support our supposition about the antiquity of the horse among the people. One cannot so easily dismiss the representation of the horse on If art objects. Yoruba forefathers possessed some Afose to address nature elements such as rain, fire, outbreak e.t.c and on the negative size to curse. Although there are beliefs that the so called western science is well advanced and protected by patents that make it look more sophisticated. Members of the household of the ba who enjoy the exercise of unchallenged power and authority cannot live within the city walls while the ba is alive and/or must die with the ba upon his demise. Figure 1a (a) Lbn (or lbn) of Od (also called ba obnrin). For instance, the divinatory tray, pn If, has four major quadrants. Why am I always fighting with my partner? How to Free Yourself From Black Magic Spells? Dido's sister is persuading her to let flow her passion for Aeneas: This matters to the dust, to ghosts in tombs? : 449) describes gr If as follows: The figures in the sculpture of gr are ordinary men responding humanly and naturally to the success of their supplication. Parties to this verbal play address light-hearted insults to each other about their relatives while staying within a recognized limit of decorum. This is also why I would agree with Robin Law (Reference Law1980) about the historical importance of the festival of so-sin, horse-tying, among the Ewe-Fon of the BeninTogo littoral. . Disease to the Yorbs is seen as a disruption of our connection with the Earth.The Olgn is often a priest or priestess, or belongs to a guild-like society hidden within tribal boundaries. (Palau Mart Reference Palau Mart1992). As with the Yorb people, the dog is an integral agent of tradition among the Btonu, an intimate existential partner, and not just a mere member of domestic livestock. In reality, gon in this context never takes place among members related by blood; rather, relationships or ties by marriage may serve as the basis for association beyond anything that has to do with blood or birth.Footnote 15. We know that the Ewe-Fon of the Benin littoral have F, a system of geomancy that is accepted as cognate with the Yorb If. For him, a person has two parts which he describes as "the body" and "the soul". On the one hand, cognate elements that are clearly identifiable argue for an enduring historical relationship between these two peoples; on the other, probative elements that are shared with other peoples and cultures in the sub-region rule out any suggestion of a conspiracy among all of them to migrate from the Middle East to West Africa in some discoverable historical past. Medicinal incantations are in some ways like the praise songs addressed to human beings or gods: their purpose is to awaken the power of the ingredients hidden in the medicine. What was the intensity of the relationship and contact that resulted in the kind of transfer of form, meaning and usage that can be observed, when a perfectly transparent terminology exists in the borrowing language to express what b shared with other Yorb group members rather than with Btonu, the donor language and culture? In any event, it is not insignificant that gon or yak, complete with cognate predicates such as j, which, in Yorb, may invariably be glossed as eat, enjoy or take part in, is a sociological custom that characterizes cultures and traditions across the SaharaSahelian sub-region of West Africa, as Table 3 indicates.Footnote 17, Table 3 Parent plaisanterie: in-laws verbal jousting in West Africa. The term yak (arguably derived from the noun phrase y k; literally, mother of husband) refers to a verbal play or joust between a woman married into a family, on the one hand, and, on the other, the siblings of her husband or the children of other wives in the household who precede the woman in their residence in the household. Re: Yoruba Incantations. 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He goes on to say that the orthodox methodology for the treatment of diseases is based on what he called "the contrary principle,". Always make your living doing something you enjoy. powerfully righteous speech is called "ofo ashe" in yoruba-ifa religion and corresponds with "medhu neter," "neter mehdu," and "khu hekua" (magical incantations) in the ancient kmt language but out of order with its age, the arabic magic is the highest powerful in the world, too the book must be destroyed upon the witch's . Consider that when an ork line says gn b r in (He/she is comely and trim like the tail of a horse), it can never be said of the person gn b rkr in. . Figure 1b The ba of Baporo sits in state with adl and beaded fly whisk during the gn Ogenegene festival, jbu-Yorb. The occurrences of horse, in, in column one participate in the latter. These are Ofo (word), ayajo (Precedents) and Ogede (statements or promises). As all my sources note, the restrictions of uterine order result in siblings by different mothers bearing the same names within the same family, if they occupy the same position in the order of birth of children by their respective mothers. Tradition has it that many Orishas (deities/divinities) play a significant role in the life of the Yorbs in this form of medicine. An "Ongn" refers to a herbalist, an "Olgn" is one of several terms for a medical practitioner, and a "Babalwo" is a priest/priestess. In addition, Traditional Healer,Curse Removal, Herbalist,Remove Negative Energy, Spiritual Cleansing,Voodoo spells. Source: Abdn (2014: 151). This is very important, as the number names for multiples of twenty in both languages show. Orta, it bears repeating, is not a point; it has dimensions; it is a space, an arena defined by encounters and exchanges. For an appreciation of the non-trivial structure, meaning and function of l pam, Yai (Reference Yai and Oylrn1978) is particularly useful.Footnote 39. It's also the starting spell for the Prophet Class, so it's ideal if you're struggling with picking a class. Associated with Virility, Masculinity, Fire, Lightning, Stones, Protector/Warrior, Magnetism. Chief S. L. Omiad, the balf (rnt or ni de, prime minister equivalent of If). He comments: Even in some cases where the language considers a process of addition to be cumbersome, it uses subtraction as an alternative approach. The household is understood in a similar way. They do not imply a challenge to intellectual property/ownership. 27 While Drewal and Mason (Reference Drewal and Mason1998: 222) correctly identify r as tail, the meaning they assign kr is erroneous. To feast with the Ethiopians, loyal, lordly men, And all the gods went with him. The gestural use of the ram-mane rkr in the hands of an ba took over from its similar use by babalwo. In the case of the Btonu and the Yorb, if we ask how long any set of such items may have taken to differ significantly from each other, if that is the case, or how long they took to acquire typological similarity, if not similarity of form, meaning and usage, we may have reason to be gratified by what we learn about these two peoples. The exceptionally long rkr in this gr If makes a strong visual statement and suggests its verbal corollary from f (incantation), another authoritative Yorb source: Wn n b b y rkr tn, t d rkr lrn. 20 I acknowledge here the suggestion by a reviewer of this study not to leave the Btonu dog story either to the reader's imagination or to a possible future investigator whose interest may have nothing to do with compelling history and historians to be searching, explanatory and plausible. These instances of in in naming suggest an antiquity that points to anteriority to the Btonu and Yorb encounter with white people, which occurred at the earliest in the fifteenth century CE. * Note: This suggests that Btonu does not add identical denomination and does not, unlike Yorb, count and/or name denominations in multiples using the number units two to ten, as in ogj and gta. in incantations. Comments that do not align with the previously-stated expectations will be deleted swiftly.E je br, awo olgbeb.K E Y W O R D S Yoruba | Yoruba Lesson | Learn Yoruba | Yoruba Class | Yoruba Course | Yoruba People | Yoruba Culture | Yoruba Tradition | Yoruba Dressing | Yoruba Lessons with Aderonke | Yoruba Teacher | Yoruba Lessons for Beginners T A G S #Yoruba #YorubaLesson #LearnYoruba #YorubaClass #YorubaCourse #YorubaPeople #YorubaCulture #YorubaTradition #YorubaDressing #YorubaLessonsWithAderonke #YorubaTeacher #LearnYorubaWithAderonke #BasicYoruba #YorubaLessonsforBeginners Shop Yorb-Learning Aids: https://www.etsy.com/shop/Iyalaje That pre-dates the fourteenth-century migration hypothesis Euphrates expalination about Gold mountain by Imran!, in what form could each or both of them have encountered creature. And transcultural, holism has become the new health paradigm for the first time a. 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Articles P