[86], Although not ordered to take part, psychiatrists and many psychiatric institutions were involved in the planning and carrying out of Aktion T4. [5] After the passing of the Enabling Act on 24 March,[6] which gave Hitler dictatorial plenary powers, the government began isolating Jews from civil society; this included boycotting Jewish businesses in April 1933 and enacting the Nuremberg Laws in September 1935. [324] Those selected for death at all camps were told to undress and hand their valuables to camp workers. [146] Despite the dangers, thousands of Poles helped Jews. After Germany invaded Poland in September 1939, triggering World War II, the regime set up ghettos to segregate Jews. "[287] Thirty copies of the minutes, the Wannsee Protocol, were made. [384], By 1943 it was evident to the leadership of the armed forces that Germany was losing the war. [288] Written by Eichmann and stamped "Top Secret", the minutes were written in "euphemistic language" on Heydrich's instructions, according to Eichmann's later testimony.[289]. Some went by truck or wagons; others were marched the entire distance. [103] In August that year, Adolf Eichmann was appointed manager (under Franz Walter Stahlecker) of the Central Agency for Jewish Emigration in Vienna (Zentralstelle fr jdische Auswanderung in Wien). [475][476], West Germany allocated another $125million for reparations in 1988. After Belgium's surrender, the country was ruled by a German military governor, Alexander von Falkenhausen, who enacted anti-Jewish measures against its 90,000 Jews, many of them refugees from Germany or Eastern Europe. January 24, 2022 Top Image: Museum display with bullets and human ashes from Bikernieki Forest Holocaust site and barbed wire from Salaspils Concentration Camp. Gentlemen, I must ask you, arm yourselves against any thoughts of compassion. [102] The vian Conference was held in France in July 1938 by 32 countries, to help German and Austrian Jewish refugees, but little was accomplished and most countries did not increase the number of refugees they would accept. [134] In the ghettos and forced-labor camps, at least half a million died of starvation, disease, and poor living conditions. NDH leader Ante Paveli and the Ustae accepted Nazi demands. Michael Gray, a specialist in Holocaust education. Archived from the original on 22 June 2006. [477] In 2013 Germany agreed to provide 772million to fund nursing care, social services, and medication for 56,000 Holocaust survivors around the world. [438] After Germany lost the war, the International Military Tribunal at the Nuremberg Trials and Poland's Supreme National Tribunal concluded that the aim of German policies in Poland the extermination of Poles and Jews was a genocide in biological terms. [38] Bureaucrats identified who was a Jew, confiscated property, and scheduled trains to deport them. [213] In the Kamianets-Podilskyi massacre (Soviet Ukraine), nearly 24,000 Jews were killed between 27 and 30 August 1941. [403] On 17 January 1945, 58,000 Auschwitz inmates were sent on a death march westwards;[404] when the camp was liberated by the Soviets on 27 January, they found just 7,000 inmates in the three main camps and 500 in subcamps. [423] Jews who lived where pre-war statehood was destroyed (Poland and the Baltic states) or displaced (western USSR) were at the mercy of sometimes-hostile local populations, in addition to the Germans. The other approximately 200,000 people were predominantly made up of non-Jewish Poles, the People are shot by firing squads, killed by an "air hammer" /Hammerluft/, and poisoned by gas in special gas chambers. The best known is the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising in April 1943, when the Germans arrived to send the remaining inhabitants to extermination camps. [347] The Germans said that 14,000 Jews had been killed7000 during the fighting and 7000 sent to Treblinka[348]and between 53,000[349] and 56,000 deported. [255] In the Odessa and Pervomaisk regions alone, Romanian authorities were responsible for the death of over 150,000 Jews. [355] Three SS officers were killed. The Deutsches rzteblatt (a medical journal) reported on 6 April 1933: "Germans are to be treated by Germans only. Of these deportees, approximately 1.1 million Prisoners condemned to death by the Gestapo are murdered by the first two methods. Laqueur, Walter; Baumel, Judith Tydor (2001). These included Roma, Poles, Ukrainians, Soviet civilians and prisoners of war, and other targeted populations. [358], Estimates of Jewish participation in partisan units throughout Europe range from 20,000 to 100,000. "[93], By the end of 1934, 50,000 German Jews had left Germany,[94] and by the end of 1938, approximately half the German Jewish population had left,[95] among them the conductor Bruno Walter, who fled after being told that the hall of the Berlin Philharmonic would be burned down if he conducted a concert there. [66] On 1 April 1933, there was a boycott of Jewish businesses. Still, in the meantime, they would be concentrated in major cities ghettos to achieve, according to an order from Reinhard Heydrich dated 21 September 1939, "a better possibility of control and later deportation". Marcus Tanner states that the "SS complained that at least 5,000 Jews were still alive in the NDH and that thousands of others had emigrated, by buying 'honorary Aryan' status". [268] Around 8,500 Jews were deported in all. [453], German communists, socialists and trade unionists were among the first to be sent to concentration camps. Auschwitz was at the centre of that genocide. The Russian Academy of Science article by M. V. Filimoshin based this figure on sources published in the Soviet era. Sexual relationships between them were also criminalized; Jews were not allowed to employ German women under the age of 45 in their homes. The mass murder reached a "frenetic" pace in 1944[391] when Auschwitz gassed nearly 500,000 people. [170] In late 1940, the country's 1,800 Jews were banned from certain occupations, and in 1941 all Jews had to register their property with the government. [115] Many were released within weeks; by early 1939, 2,000 remained in the camps. [277] According to Gerlach, an unidentified former German Sicherheitsdienst officer wrote in a report in 1944, after defecting to Switzerland: "After America entered the war, the annihilation (Ausrottung) of all European Jews was initiated on the Fhrer's order. Germany, Italy and Bulgaria divided Greece into occupation zones but did not eliminate it as a country. By the end of the war, they had killed around two million, including about 1.3million Jews and up to a quarter of a million Roma. [177] Vichy France's government implemented anti-Jewish measures in Metropolitan France, in French Algeria and in the two French Protectorates of Tunisia and Morocco. [253] In July 1941, Mihai Antonescu, Romania's deputy prime minister, said it was time for "total ethnic purification, for a revision of national life, and for purging our race of all those elements which are foreign to its soul, which have grown like mistletoes and darken our future. From August 1941 they began to murder women and children too. [36] Anyone with three or four Jewish grandparents was to be exterminated,[37] and complex rules were devised to deal with Mischlinge ("mixed breeds"). Germany had over 500,000. [8][9], The first recorded use of the term holocaust in its modern sense was made in 1895 by The New York Times to describe the massacre of Armenian Christians by Ottoman forces. [p] Cesarani writes that the killing of Jews was at this point a "subset" of these activities. Poland's Holocaust: Ethnic Strife, Collaboration With Occupying Forces and Genocide in the Second Republic, 19181947. [424], The Nazis regarded the Slavs as Untermenschen (non-Aryan inferior people). Another 2,396 were deported and 2,257 killed that autumn during an uprising, and 13,500 were deported between October 1944 and March 1945. [156] According to Hayes, this was "one of sixty-six nearly simultaneous such attacks in the province of Suwaki alone and some two hundred similar incidents in the Soviet-annexed eastern provinces". Janusz Gumkowski and Kazimierz Leszczynski, sfn error: no target: CITEREFGordon1984 (, Piotrowski, Tadeusz. I will in principle proceed only on the assumption that they will disappear. [456] Between 2,700 and 3,300 were sent to the camps, where 1,400 died. The Holocaust: Facts and Figures. [432], From the start of the war against Poland, Germany intended to realize Adolf Hitler's plan, set out in his book Mein Kampf, to acquire "living space" (Lebensraum) in the east for massive settlement of German colonists. [387] Shipments of Jews had priority on the German railways over anything but the army's needs, and continued even in the face of the increasingly dire military situation at the end of 1942. [265] Several forced labor camps for Jews were established in Italian-controlled Libya; almost 2,600 Libyan Jews were sent to camps, where 562 were murdered. [36] According to Jozo Tomasevich, the Jewish community in Zagreb was the only one to survive out of 115 Jewish religious communities in Yugoslavia in 19391940. According to Saul Friedlnder, "[t]estimonies left by Jews from all over occupied Europe indicate that, in contradistinction to vast segments of surrounding society, the victims did not understand what was ultimately in store for them." The way people were murdered during the Holocaust was as horrific as the numbers involved. An inmate until he escaped in April 1943, his mission was to set up a resistance movement (ZOW), prepare to take over the camp, and smuggle out information.[370]. To prevent panic, they were told the gas chambers were showers or delousing chambers. [336] This included individual collaboration as well as state collaboration. [451] In Belgium, France, and the Netherlands, the Roma were subject to restrictions on movement and confinement to collection camps,[452] while in Eastern Europe they were sent to concentration camps, where large numbers were murdered. WebAbout six million Jews and some five million others, targeted for racial, political, ideological and behavioral reasons, died in the Holocaustmore than one million of those who Explosives were used to reduce the time taken by digging. [282] The meeting had been scheduled for 9 December 1941, and invitations had been sent between 29 November and 1 December,[283] but on 8 December it had been postponed indefinitely, probably because of Pearl Harbor. The continuous presence of state institutions thereby prevented the Jewish communities' complete destruction. [201] The largest massacre was at a ravine called Babi Yar outside Kiev (also Soviet Ukraine), where 33,771 Jews were killed on 2930 September 1941. On that day, Hitler gave a speech in his apartment at the Reich Chancellery to senior Nazi Party leaders: the Reichsleiter and the Gauleiter. [121][l] Palestine was the only location to which any German resettlement plan produced results, via the Haavara Agreement between the Zionist Federation of Germany and the German government. [421] In countries allied to Germany, the state's control over its citizens, including the Jews, was seen as a matter of sovereignty. [323] At Auschwitz, about 20 percent of Jews were selected to work. "[279][u] On 18 December 1941, Hitler and Himmler held a meeting to which Himmler referred in his appointment book as "Juden frage | als Partisanen auszurotten" ("Jewish question / to be exterminated as partisans"). [431] Russian government sources currently cite these civilian casualty figures in their official statements. Haus der Wannsee-Konferenz. [43] The most notorious physician was Josef Mengele, an SS officer who became the Auschwitz camp doctor on 30 May 1943. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company. They included the head of the German Red Cross, tenured professors, clinic directors, and biomedical researchers. "[290] He continued: Under proper guidance, in the course of the Final Solution, the Jews are to be allocated for appropriate labor in the East. Some Ukrainians went to Poland to serve as guards in the camps. [256] It annexed Thrace and Macedonia, and in February 1943 agreed to a demand from Germany that it deport 20,000 Jews to the Treblinka extermination camp. For France, Gerlach 2016, p.14; for Denmark and Estonia, Snyder 2015, p.212; for Estonia (Estland) and the Wannsee Conference, "Besprechungsprotokoll" (PDF). According to Yitzhak Arad, this was the highest number of SS officers killed in a single revolt. [96] Albert Einstein, who was in the United States when Hitler came to power, never returned to Germany; his citizenship was revoked and he was expelled from the Kaiser Wilhelm Society and Prussian Academy of Sciences. [52], After World War I (19141918), many Germans did not accept that their country had been defeated. [383] Although governments and the German public appear to have understood what was happening to the Jews, it seems the Jews themselves did not. [382] In the United States, where antisemitism and isolationism were common, the government similarly feared turning the war into one about the Jews. [45] The twins would be measured, killed, and dissected. "[254] Romania set up concentration camps in Transnistria, reportedly extremely brutal, where 154,000170,000 Jews were deported from 1941 to 1943. [414] The death camps in occupied Poland accounted for half the Jews murdered. [185], Yugoslavia, home to 80,000 Jews, was dismembered; regions in the north were annexed by Germany and Hungary, regions along the coast were made part of Italy, Kosovo and western Macedonia were given to Albania, while Bulgaria received eastern Macedonia. [247] Romania implemented anti-Jewish measures in May and June 1940 as part of its efforts towards an alliance with Germany. [371] According to Fleming, in May and June 1942, London was told about the extermination camps at Chemno, Sobibr, and Bezc. [54] Central to Hitler's world view was the idea of expansion and Lebensraum (living space) in Eastern Europe for German Aryans, a policy of what Doris Bergen called "race and space". [450] He adjusted the order on 15 November 1943 to allow "sedentary Gypsies and part-Gypsies" in the occupied Soviet areas to be viewed as citizens. [246] Although Jewish persecution was unsystematic within the pre-war borders of Romania, it was systematic in the Romanian occupied territories of the Soviet Union. Informants pointed out who was Jewish and the Poles who were helping to hide them[145] during the Judenjagd (hunt for the Jews). When America declared war, he blamed the Jews.[273]. When the German Wehrmacht (armed forces) invaded Poland on 1 September 1939, triggering declarations of war from the UK and France, Germany gained control of about two million Jews in the territory it occupied. [445][446] Research cited by Ian Hancock suggests the pre-war Romani population of Europe may have been much higher, resulting in estimates of up to 1.5 million Roma deaths. On 6 January 1942, the Soviet Minister of Foreign Affairs, Vyacheslav Molotov, sent out diplomatic notes about German atrocities, based on reports about mass graves and bodies surfacing in areas the Red Army had liberated, as well as witness reports from German-occupied areas. But, tragically, gay Holocaust After the war this program came to be known as Aktion T4,[82] named after Tiergartenstrae4, the address of a villa in the Berlin borough of Tiergarten, where the various organizations involved were headquartered. [171] On 26 November 1942, 532 Jews were taken by police officers, at four o'clock in the morning, to Oslo harbor, where they boarded a German ship. [484] Yom HaShoah became Israel's Holocaust Remembrance Day in 1951. "[244][245], According to Dan Stone, the murder of Jews in Romania was "essentially an independent undertaking". [195] Nevenko Bartulin, however posits that of the total Jewish population of the NDH, only 100 Jews attained the legal status of Aryan citizens, 500 including their families. Groups of Jews were forced by the crowd to watch their synagogues burn; in Bensheim they were made to dance around it and in Laupheim to kneel before it. [419] According to Yad Vashem, "[a]ll the serious research" confirms that between five and six million Jews were murdered. [394] A month before the deportations began, Eichmann offered through an intermediary, Joel Brand, to exchange one million Jews for 10,000 trucks from the Allies, which the Germans would agree not to use on the Western front. [209] Each Einsatzgruppe numbered around 6001,000 men, with a few women in administrative roles. [68] Jews were disbarred from practicing law, being editors or proprietors of newspapers, joining the Journalists' Association, or owning farms. [167] The Jewish death toll in the extermination camps was over three million overall; most Jews were gassed on arrival. [t], Christopher Browning argues that Hitler gave no order during the Reich Chancellery meeting but made clear that he had intended his 1939 warning to the Jews to be taken literally, and he signaled to party leaders that they could give appropriate orders to others. The ascendance of Germany enabled Romania to disregard the minorities treaties that were imposed upon the country after the First World War. [290], The evacuations were regarded as provisional ("Ausweichmglichkeiten"). [196], In the Bulgarian annexed zones of Macedonia and Thrace, upon demand of the German authorities, the Bulgarians handed over the entire Jewish population, about 12,000 Jews to the military authorities, all were deported. For other uses, see, Dining room in which the conference took place, German extermination and concentration camps built in, Women on their way to the gas chamber, near Crematorium V, Auschwitz II, August 1944. [454] Nacht und Nebel ("Night and Fog"), a directive issued by Hitler on 7 December 1941, resulted in the disappearance, torture and death of political activists throughout German-occupied Europe; the courts had sentenced 1,793 people to death by April 1944, according to Jack Fischel. [133] The Warsaw Ghetto was established in November 1940, and by early 1941 it contained 445,000 people;[134] the second largest, the d Ghetto, held 160,000 as of May 1940. "[458], Around 100,000 gay men were arrested in Germany and 50,000 jailed between 1933 and 1945; 5,00015,000 are thought to have been sent to concentration camps. For example, the Nazis' treatment of the Slavs consisted of "enslavement and gradual attrition", while some Slavs were favored; Hayes lists Bulgarians, Croats, Slovaks, and some Ukrainians. [92][91] The laws referred to Jews but applied equally to the Roma and black Germans. [437], On 7 September 1939, Reinhard Heydrich stated that all Polish nobles, clergy, and Jews were to be murdered. This perception contributed to the canard of Jewish Bolshevism. The French had planned to try Grynszpan for murder, but the German invasion in 1940 interrupted the proceedings. [285], The 15 men present at Wannsee included Heydrich, SS Lieutenant Colonel Adolf Eichmann, head of Reich Security Head Office Referat IV B4 ("Jewish affairs"); SS Major General Heinrich Mller, head of RSHA Department IV (the Gestapo); and other SS and party leaders. WebAnd a similar share (45%) know that approximately 6 million Jews were killed in the Holocaust. [250] According to a 2004 report by Tuvia Friling and others, up to 14,850 Jews were murdered during the Iai pogrom. [63] Other early prisons were consolidated by mid-1934 into purpose-built camps outside the cities, run exclusively by the SS. Works by Jewish composers,[71] authors, and artists were excluded from publications, performances, and exhibitions. [97] Other Jewish scientists, including Gustav Hertz, lost their teaching positions and left the country. [111] Contrary to Goebbel's statements in his diary, the police were not withdrawn; the regular police, Gestapo, SS and SA all took part, although Heinrich Himmler was angry that the SS had joined in. Did not eliminate it as a country as part of its efforts towards alliance. 2001 ) camps in occupied Poland accounted for half the Jews murdered ' destruction! Well as state collaboration ] Cesarani writes that the killing of Jews were killed a... But did not accept that their country had been defeated how many people died in the holocaust sources published the! ] Other Jewish scientists, including Gustav Hertz, lost their teaching positions and left the country are... August 1941 Untermenschen ( non-Aryan inferior people ) toll in the camps, where 1,400 died an Uprising and. Were also criminalized ; Jews were selected to how many people died in the holocaust the SS killed in a single.... Death toll in the Kamianets-Podilskyi massacre ( Soviet Ukraine ), nearly Jews. 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