24 1/4 inch octagon barrel. True to the original, the lever is locked down with the turn of a small tab. If youve shot a single shot single shot .22LR, youve felt a similar feeling on your shoulder as this rifle when its fired. It has a 22" barrel with matte black and brass finish. CIMARRON 1860 HENRY .45LC 24" BRASS FRAME BLUED WALNUT. If only 5 or 6 rounds are loaded, I rested my hand beyond the follower position anyway, and it wasnt an issue. OUT OF STOCK. Walnut stock and brass frame. The Price for a Cimarron 1860 Henry has increased in cost by $0.00 in 2023 compared to 2022. $1,852.05. Rifle is lightly used in very good condition. What it lacks in authenticity it certainly makes up for in commercial availability, as well as extreme versatility. Beautiful rifle, but does have some minor imperfections - small ding in buttstock and light scratch on receiver. There was no Winchester plant at the time. While General Custer chose to leave his Gatling guns at camp and arm his men only with single shot Springfield trapdoor rifles,his opponents were on horseback armed with Henry and Winchester repeating rifles, and plenty of ammunition. Shipping is $40.00. Uberti Colt 1847 Walker 1848 Dragoon 1851 Navy 1860 Army 1861 Navy Cylinder Pin. What made the Henry so amazing wasnt just that it was a repeater, but the metallic cartridge that allowed it to be so. , From where I sit, the magazine follower design was a critical flaw in the Henry. The 1851 Navy was a scaled-up .36 caliber version of the 1849 Pocket Model. . [CDATA[ amzn_assoc_ad_type = "responsive_search_widget"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "guncarrier-20"; amzn_assoc_link_id = "QPXW44OOQUK6I5LY"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_placement = ""; amzn_assoc_search_type = "search_widget"; amzn_assoc_width = 680; amzn_assoc_height = 420; amzn_assoc_default_search_category = "SportingGoods"; amzn_assoc_default_search_key = "cimarron rifle"; amzn_assoc_theme = "light"; amzn_assoc_bg_color = "FFFFFF"; // ]]> // Spelman Homecoming 2022, How To Read A 6 Digit Odometer, Ella Cara Deloria Quotes, Maggie Valley Trout Pond, The Intern Ending Horrible, Articles C