Bloom time: April. Like other full-size viburnums, it shoots up to 8 feet (2 m.) tall and Sometimes all shades are showing at once. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google, Specialized Pruning Techniques: Stooling, Sucker Removal, and Lift-Pruning, "As a recently identified gardening nut I have tried all the magazines and this one is head and shoulders above the pack. This viburnum makes a fine specimen. Bloom time: Jun. Comments: orange-to-burgundy fall foliage; good for mixed shrub border. Stronger growing than other compact varieties, it's a great choice for smaller landscapes, providing all of the spicy, intoxicating spring fragrance of traditional Koreanspice viburnum in a petite package. Fruit: red to black. Comments: red fall color; excellent for winter garden. Comments: scarlet to burgundy fall color foliage. A full sun or part shade lover, this plant is easily grown in average, medium moisture , well-drained soils. Bloom time: May. Comments: orange-red fall color; disease-resistant. Talk about a luminescent white in the landscape. For example, witherod viburnum does not fruit well planted alone. For truly small gardens, you can select Viburnum opulus Compactum, After the leaves drop the rest of the season it looks fine. Zones: 4-8, V. burkwoodii (Burkwood viburnum) There are many variables outside our control and yours that can cause the demise of your plant(s). V. acerfolium* (mapleleaf viburnum) When they purchased their property in 2009, they. Mature Plant Size: 3 - 4 feet. The mapleleaf viburnum, Viburnum acerifolium, has leaves that could easily be mistaken for maple leaves, but the secret is out in the first to second week of May when bright white, lacecap flowers hang off a long stalk. Additional feeding is not necessary. Viburnums are a steady addition to the home garden because they have very little pest or disease pressure. Known as cranberry bush viburnum, V. trilobum bears masses of bright-red berries that often persist through winter. The 'Mariesii' viburnum is a very beautiful shrub which has a blooming as magnificent in spring as its foliage is in fall. Zone: Zone 6 - 9. Fruit: pink to bluish-black. Viburnum likes moderate climate conditions. To use the website as intended please While most flowers are unscented, those that are fragrant are wonderfully so. The red fruits of Erie eventually turn coral, then pink. Height and width: 6 x 6 ft. 2019-09-25. true. My 'leather leaf' viburnum's leaves turn yellow every spring and drop. Height and width: 15-20 x 8-10 ft.. For the amount to use, follow product label instructions. Plant this viburnum where you can be sure to enjoy its delicate tiers of white flower clusters appearing in April, followed by red foliage in fall with contrasting black berries that the birds. Its strongly horizontal impact makes it ideal for planting on walls or permanent planter boxes, as well as for planting at the front of beds or along walkways. Comments: orange to purple fall color. that stays to a relatively modest 6 feet (almost 2 m.) in height. Flowers: white lacecap. Growing dwarf viburnums in the landscape is a great way to In fall, smooth witherods glossy leaves turn from tinted bronze to bright red. Doublefile viburnum shrubs require a bit of care in zones 5 and 6 as they are shallow-rooted plants and can be susceptible to frost. Some varieties of viburnum, such as sweet viburnum, have glossy green leathery oval leaves. tomentosum Shasta (doublefile viburnum) Bloom time: May (may continue blooming. VIBURNUM, DWARF CRANBERRY 3-5 G. $39.99 / EA Availability: 0. Fruit: red to blac. Bloom time: May. Get daily tips & tricks to help make your best home, Doublefile Viburnum vs. Japanese Snowball Bush. color. Its large, white lacecap flowers in May and June and elegant, pleated medium green leaves are an unbeatable combination. are among the most popular shrubs for home gardens since they provide many Read our. We may ask for photos for documentation purposes but again well try to make it as easy as possible. This compact evergreen shrub is cold hardy in USDA zones 8 through 11. A viburnum that gives you three different looks from spring to fall. Youll have your pick since there are Instead, take softwood cuttings when a 6-inch terminal branch snaps when bent, which is usually in summer. Some viburnum shrubs flower in winter until spring. Another evergreen that is winter hardy in our area is the Prague viburnum, Viburnum 'Pragense', which also blooms in late April and can be found along the main trail in the Woodland Garden. Please Note: The pictures below are to give a general representation of the different container sizes. mine is in one and the new top shoots are drooping!!! Squirrels have been known to eat unopened flower buds in late winter which can result in reduced blooming or a lack of blooms altogether. It's best to grow these shrubs from cuttings. Viburnum flowers are white or pink and have different shapes, depending on the species. North American native viburnums and their cultivars are indicated by an asterisk. The hybrid lantanaphyllum, Viburnum x rhytidophylloides 'Alleghany' (a cross between V. rhytidophyllum and V. lantana 'Mohican'), is an evergreen shrub that blooms in April, sometimes producing flowers on and off through the summer, and can be found in the Carver Garden in beds 2 and 3. Height and width: 12 x 6 ft. Most viburnums flower in spring. Viburnums can also distinguish themselves by producing interesting leaves. However, not every gardener has a space big enough Dwarf viburnum varieties are perfect for small, compact residential gardens. flowers in spring or fiery fall colors. Bloom time: Ma. You should also add a layer of mulch around the thick stems to lock in moisture. Best with consistent and even moisture. This viburnum shrub grows best as a flowering hedge, evergreen screen, foundation planting, or colorful shrub border. Xanthocarpum, a white-flowering lacecap type, is one of my top-10 viburnums. This romantic and delicate planting includes mostly chalk Low maintenance and fairly easy to replicate, this planting Use our interactive toolsto design your dream garden. Bloom time: Ma. Most viburnum varieties need to grow in well-draining, moist soil and flourish in clay, chalk, loamy, or sandy soil. Viburnum snowball bush has showy round white flowers and can be pruned as a small tree. It is a compact cultivar, up to five feet tall, producing delicate white flowers in flat-topped clusters in early May. Mature height of f. plicatum may rise to as much as 15 tall, but mature height of f. tomentosum typically will not exceed 10 tall. Sign up for a free trial and get access to ALL our regional content, plus the rest Korean Spice viburnum is a small shrub with attractive pinkish-white flowers. Sandankwa viburnum is an evergreen perennial shrub in warm climates such as Florida. Look for this native, which can reach up to 20 feet tall, in the Woodland Garden. Ideal for small gardens, Viburnum carlesii Spice Baby (Koreanspice Viburnum) is a dwarf, bushy, deciduous shrub with a profusion of large flower clusters that perfume the garden with their sweet, spicy fragrance in spring. For more information, click here. Arrowwood viburnum is a sizeable hardy shrub that produces white flower clusters in late spring. Flowers: white laceca. Zones: 5-8, V. plicatum var. Zones: 3-7, V. opulus Nanum (dwarf European cranberry bush) Spring through July is the best time to take cuttings, as new growth will be present on the branch tips. Combine Providing months of fragrance and color, while being What a fabulous and distinctive hedge! Viburnum flowers are made up of clusters of smaller flowers called panicles in varying white or pink shades. Bloom time: May. Create spectacular spring borders like this one. A wonderful miniature shrub with a long season of interest. To create additional collections, you must be a paid member of our site. The Garden wouldn't be the Garden without Clusters of delicate flowers form spectacular globe-shaped flower heads. Viburnum are bushy woody plants that produce white or pinkish-white fragrant flowers that bloom throughout spring. Zones: 3-9, V. rhytidophylloides Allegheny* For more detailed information, please click here. Fruit: red to blac. Some viburnum species such as Doublefile and Japanese Snowball have shiny green ovate or lanceolate leaves with serrated edges. Zones: 3-8, V. plicatum var. viburnum plant than Viburnum carlesii Compactum? It has all the great The interesting feature of maple leaf viburnum shrubs is their ovate leaves with three lobes. Mapleleaf viburnum flowers grow in the shape of tubular clusters. Zones: 5-9, V. opulus Xanthocarpum (yellow-fruited European cranberry bush) Limbs that had fallen on the ground had taken root and formed a colony. If you are a gardener with a smaller yard, you wont be able White blooms cover this dwarf in spring followed by red fruit. Fruit: black; often persists into winter. intoxicatingly fragrant spring flowers. While every effort has been made to describe these plants accurately, please keep in mind that height, bloom time, and color may differ in various climates. Zones: 3-7, V. setigerum (tea viburnum) Each flower cluster (4-6 wide) has small non-showy inner fertile flowers with a showy outer ring of pure white sterile flowers. Another large, yet magnificent, shrub is the European The primary difference is that the flowers on snowball bush are round, full "snowball" blooms, rather than the flat clusters found on doublefile viburnum. Hardiness Zones: 5-8. Viburnum plicatum is a dense, upright, multi-stemmed, deciduous shrub that typically matures to 8-15' tall with a slightly larger spread. Opening from red flower buds, pale pink flowers arranged in snowball clusters gradually fade to white as they mature. The Snowball Bush viburnum grows between 10 and 12 ft. (3 3.6 m). If you provide us with your name, email address and the payment of a modest $25 annual membership fee, you will become a full member, enabling you to design and save up to 25 of your garden design ideas. Though there are no serious disease problems with doublefile viburnum shrubs, like other kinds of viburnum, doublefile viburnum can occasionally have problems. The foliage of broadly ovate, dark green leaves turns glorious red shades in fall. Height and width: 10-12 x 5-6 ft. Height and width: 7 x 5 ft. Japanese Snowball bush (Viburnum plicatum var. crops of berries, and fiery autumn color. Flowers: white lacecap. Zones: 3-7, V. plicatum var. The bright-red berries of tea viburnum (V. setigerum) often persist throughout winter. Zones: 5-8, V. juddii (Judd viburnum) If you notice a white or grayish-colored growth on the surface of leaves, upper and lower, then most likely the viburnum has developed powdery mildew or downy mildew. The warranty is purchased on a per plant basis and must be purchased at the same time as the plant purchase. Flowers: creamy-white, dome-shaped. Bloom times are for Zone 6. wide. There are around 150 species of viburnum trees, shrubs, and hedge plants. In fact, except for V. opulus, they are self-incompatible, which means they need a little genetic variability to fruit well. Height and width: 8-10 x 6-7 ft. Bloom time: May (may continue blooming. Order mixed annual combinations ready to plant in your containers. The Missouri Botanical Garden displays over 50 different species and cultivars in the Viburnum genus. Flower clusters appear in two rows or files, hence the common name. Flowers: white snowball, not fragran. Not sure which Viburnum to pick?Compare All Viburnum, Buy Viburnum carlesii Spice Baby (Koreanspice Viburnum). The fast-growing shrub has a spreading nature with horizontally growing branches covered in dense foliage. This shrub prefers well-drained, loamy, slightly acidic soil but has a wide range of tolerance for most soil types. These edible berries are used to make jams and jellies, and they also attract birds to gardens. Bloom time: May. When viburnum plants bloom in spring, the dense leafy bushes are transformed into beautiful bright colors. The flowers on viburnum bushes are usually conical, spherical, or domed shapes. when is the time to plant it? Elegantly held above the foliage, they are followed . Generally, plant viburnums in full sun to partial shade, in soil that drains well but retains some moisture. Sweet viburnum is a sizeable shrubby plant with clusters of small white flowers that give off a delightful scent. The leaves of mapleleaf viburnum (V. acerfolium) turn various colors in fall. Fruit: red to black. Height and width: 6-10 x 5-6 ft.. Bloom time: May. This dwarf, low-growing version of doublefile viburnum creates dozens of new landscaping opportunities. Some viburnum bush types may have rounded growth, whereas other shrubs have a flat top. Leaves measure 6 (15 cm) and 3 (7.5 cm) wide. As a result of this inverted schedule of discovery, the sterile form was mistakenly given a species name (Viburnum plicatum) and the subsequently discovered fertile form (f. tomentosum) was named as if it were a variety of the species. Its berries turn from green to pink to red to dark blue. David Beaulieu is a landscaping expert and plant photographer, with 20 years of experience. Zones: 5-8, V. prunifolium* (blackhaw viburnum) Prefers moist loams, but tolerates a wide range of soils. Flowers: maroon lacecap flower with white floret. Comments: plum-hued fall color, great as a specimen. These evergreen shrubs - odoratissimum and suspensum - can get very big (huge, in fact) but you can keep them trimmed to a reasonable size. Blackhaw viburnum is a small tree with dense foliage, masses of white flower clusters, and stunning fall foliage. The attractive features of this viburnum shrub are its upright rounded growth and lush, dense foliage. The dainty viburnum flowers start as colorful pink buds in winter and start blooming in spring. Others, such as leatherleaf viburnum (V. rhytidophyllum), are semi-evergreen in colder climates, losing their leaves when temperatures dip below 10 F. A few viburnums can be grown as standards and used in various settings. In late summer red berry-like drupes eventually turn black and are ornamental and attract birds who feed on them. Lets look at some popular types of viburnum shrubs and trees that you can grow in your front or backyard. wulfenii (Mediterranean Spurge), Lavandula angustifolia 'Hidcote' (Lavender), Shrubs and Trees with Colorful Fruits and Berries in Winter, Native Plant Alternatives to Viburnum plicatum (Japanese Snowball), Native Plant Alternatives to Viburnum opulus (European Cranberrybush), Native Plant Alternatives to Viburnum dilatatum (Linden Viburnum), Create a Garden with Great Winter Interest, Want Garden Inspiration? VIBURNUM, OPENING DAY 3-5 GALLON . Bloom time: May-June. tomentosum (Doublefile Viburnum), with its flat-topped flower clusters, was discovered later by European botanists and named as a separate form (Flint, 1999). Smaller varieties of viburnum are perfect for growing in containers at entrance ways, on patios, or decks. The dark-green ovate leaves on species of viburnum turn a spectacular bright orangey-red color in the fall. Always prune right after the shrub has flowered. Dwarf viburnum shrubs grow between 1 and 5 ft. (0.3 - 1.5 m) tall. Chindo viburnum is a low maintenance fast growing bush with evergreen foliage. Doublefile viburnum shrubs have many landscape applications, from single specimen plants to foundation plantings to shrub borders and massed screens. Some viburnums can become medium-size trees, especially if they are pruned. Give them some nutrients. Is this normal? Varieties that look good as standards are: V. plicatum var. Most viburnums in cultivation have reliably attractive foliage. Compact cultivars, such as Compactum Alfredo, work well in hedges or shrub borders. European snowball viburnum (V. o. Bloom time: May-June. The native I probably use most often in planting schemes is American cranberry bush viburnum (V. trilobum), so named because its fruit looks like bright-red cranberries. Buy More, Save More: Growing this shrub from seed is a long and lengthy process and can take as much as 18 months for the seeds to germinate. Maintenance Notes: Like other viburnum, Wabi-Sabi needs little special care. Also called mirror leaf viburnum, the Chindo shrub grows between 10 and 12 ft. (3 3.6 m) tall. Shop all fruit plants, including elderberry, pomegranate, honeysuckle, haskap & more! Flowers: large white lacecap. Dwarf viburnum varieties are perfect for small, compact residential gardens. A viburnum that gives you three different looks from spring to fall. Introduced by William Judd at the Arnold Arboretum in 1920, Judd viburnum ( V. juddii) is an extremely heavy flowering hybrid of V. bitchiuense. I have some hollies that are not doing well that I would like to replace. The buds, often shaped like small nuts, are usually attractive as well. Well have to review what areas the plants are traveling through along with your location. (Viburnum dentatum) in a hedge. To work out how far apart to space the shrubs, divide the mature width by two. Height and width: 15 x 8 ft. Viburnums have two major types of flower heads: flat-topped clusters of flowers that resemble lacecap hydrangeas, and snowball types, with globe- or dome-shape flower clusters. Like the larger varieties, miniature, compact viburnum bushes have plenty of all-season interestspring flowers, dense leafy summer foliage, stunning fall colors, and clusters of berry-like fruits. Comments: semi-evergreen, pleasing arching habit. Grows with a rounded, dense, spreading habit up to 4-6 ft. tall (120-180 cm) and 9-12 ft. wide (270-360 cm) Winner of the Gold Medal Award of The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society. Most viburnums grow as shrubs and have a full-spreading habit; others can be pruned to medium-sized trees or standards. though. Feed with a general purpose fertilizer before new growth begins in spring. Viburnum shrubs and trees grow best in a sunny spot or in a garden area that gets partial shade. Zones: 4-7, V. carlesii Compactum For example, the Viburnum Snowball Bush has clusters of white flowers that bloom from November until March. Prune after flowering as needed to maintain desired size and shape. Some dwarf viburnum shrubs bloom in winter, adding color to a barren garden landscape. Laurustine is an ornamental bushy viburnum shrub that has stunning white flower clusters and metallic blue berries. This is also a shrub that could help you out in those dry, shady spots. The stunning bluish-green leaves on the David viburnum are ovate-shaped with a leathery feel. Sign up to get all the latest gardening tips! Mapleleaf viburnum is a small shrub with white flowers and foliage that is similar to maple leaves. Flowers: white lacecap. Fruit: yellow fruit, persistent. 'Mariesii' is a large deciduous shrub with wide-spreading, tiered branches and prominently veined, dark green, ovate leaves, purple in autumn. In addition, the fruits are appealing to birds and other wildlife. It has purple fall foliage with black fruit. However, Viburnum tinus is an easier-to-care-for shrub and smaller hedge plant than Sweet Viburnum. I like the way its brilliant red-to-black fruit looks against the foliage. Sweet viburnum will grow up to 20 ft. (6 m) tall and wide. The broad-leafed shrub has ovate-shaped leaves. Our last Missouri native is the rusty blackhaw viburnum, Viburnum rufidulum, named for the rust-colored hairs on the leaf undersides and the stems. Prune the branches in early spring to shape the bush and remove dead and diseased branches. Bloom time: May. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. Flowers: white laceca. This Asian native will take a lot of shade, and you could try making tea from the leaves. One of the identifying features of this viburnum species is the oblong leaves with deep veins, giving them a crinkled look. Mayflower viburnum ( V. carlesii ), an old garden favorite, is popular for good reason. Form: Rounded upright, layered. Many also boast colorful fruits and stunning fall foliage. Viburnum carlesii Has it all-fragrant flowers, bright berries, fall foliage. Laurustine grows up to 8 ft. (2.4 m) tall. Walter's Viburnum, named for English-born botanist turned South Carolina farmer Thomas Walter, who first described the species in the late 1700's, is a spring-flowering mostly evergreen shrub/small tree native to the Southeastern United States. You wont find a more versatile group of shrubs for hedges or for massing in groups, since viburnums hold their own in every season. As with the spots on leaves, do not use overhead irrigation and follow the same procedures; clear up the plants and surrounding areas, and use a chemical spray. Viburnums excel as specimen plants or as anchors in mixed borders. Thank you. Height and width: 4-6 x 3-4 ft. Other viburnum shrubs, such as Viburnum acerifolium and Viburnum sargentii have leaves like maple leaves. americanum syn. After blooming, black berries appear on the shrub and last until winter. Learn tips for creating your most beautiful home and garden ever. Find more gardening information on Gardening Know How: Keep up to date with all that's happening in and around the garden. If it looks like extreme weather is coming, you can also wrap the plant loosely in burlap to help protect it. A low maintenance shrub, needing little care from you once established, planted amongst a group of dark leaved evergreens it would really stand out. It does not do well in intense heat (though will survive if it has some shade and is mulched to keep the soil cool), and it may experience frost damage if a warm winter concludes with bitter cold at the end of the season. Here are some noteworthy examples: As a 2010 addition to the Plants of Merit program, Viburnum dentatum 'Christom' BLUE MUFFIN is a sure winner. our Members, Donors, and Volunteers. The plants are thoroughly trialed and tested in every growing zone before we state the plant can grow in a zone. tomentosum Kerns Pink (pink doublefile viburnum) Also known as Korean spice viburnum, it has very fragrant pink buds that open to showy white snowball flowers. This viburnum species has an irregular, rounded shape and spreading growth, making it ideal for hedgerows. Accept Others, such as Seibold viburnum (V. seiboldii), may grow up to 20 feet tall. Zones: 5-7, V. sieboldii (Seibold viburnum) Adding to the landscaping shrubs attractiveness are glossy, leathery leaves that have a waxy feel. Ripened viburnum berries can be bright red, deep purple-black, blue, neon-pink, or bright yellow. The description of these plants has been written based on numerous outside resources. The fragrant snowball, Viburnum x carlcephalum, yields striking mounds of snow-white flowers that look as if they could be plucked off the bush and thrown at someone. Viburnum plants can also produce intoxicatingly fragrant flowers, which attract humans, birds, and butterflies. Zones: 2-7. Viburnums have berry-like fruits that vary in color. Copyright 2018 - 2022 by Missouri Botanical Garden. Fruit: red to blac. Fruit: orange to red to black. Some good choices include: A close relative of the doublefile viburnum is the Japanese snowball bush (viburnum plicatumdoublefile viburnum is actually a form of V. plicaturm). They are borne in terminal or axillary panicles, clusters, corymbs, or cymes, which are often spherical or domed. trilobum), youre probably attracted to its flowers, fruits, and fall Keep the shrubs consistently moist. Chindo viburnum is a large woody shrub that blooms in spring with showy, fragrant white flowers. So we will do everything in our power to do so. Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum 'Mariesii' Very common in the trade. Zones: 4-8, V. rufidulum* (Southern blackhaw viburnum) Therefore, the plant is sometimes called the Snowball tree or European Cranberry tree. It was discovered prior in time to the discovery of the wild fertile doublefile form (f. tomentosum) from which it was actually developed. The sometimes-fragrant flowers range from white and cream to pink-flushed or wholly pink. Fruit: green to red to blue-black, often all at once. Viburnum obovatum 'Raulston's Hardy', this evergreen shrub has a dwarf growing habit of around 3' tall and wide. Grow this species in full sun or partial shade in well-draining soil that is kept moist. Get the latest how-to and design inspiration articles plus special offers sent straight to your inbox. Odoratissimum can be kept 4 to 6 feet, suspensum 3 to 5 feet tall. This variety can grow to 8 feet (2 m.) tall, a formidable size for a small garden. Fruit: red to black. Comments: pale-yellow to orange-red fall colo. Look for the dwarf viburnum varieties, like Papoose, only 4 feet Viburnum hedging is ideal for formal or informal hedges, depending on how much you want to prune the shrub. Prune as needed immediately after flowering. Japanese snowball bush viburnum is a large shrub with pompom showy white flowers made up from ruffled petals. multi-season pleasure, but in a smaller size. The nannyberry, Viburnum lentago, is a tall shrub, up to 16 feet, that blooms the last week of April through the first week of May and can be found in the Kemper Bird Garden. There are many fine cultivars in this group, though some of my favorites have little or no fragrance. Wednesday, February 1 - Thursday, August 31, Member Speaker Series: Curating our Living Collections. Viburnums are part of the Caprifoliaceae family and are related to other shrubs such as the honeysuckles, the abelias, and the weigelas. Zones: 3-7, V. lentago* (nannyberry viburnum, sheepberry) Kerns Pink has pale-pink snowball flowers and dark-green leaves with magenta edges. Viburnum shrubs are versatile landscaping plants that add color to the garden throughout all seasons. cultivars so you can now start growing dwarf viburnums. Bloom time: March-April. Height and width: 6 x 5 ft. Becoming a contributing member of Gardenia is easy and can be done in just a few minutes. Nanum, a dwarf cultivar, grows to only 2 feet high and 3 feet wide in 10 years. Height/Spread: There is a wide range of sizes, from a few dwarf varieties like Viburnum opulus 'Nanum' at just under 3 feet, to large species like V. seiboldii that may reach 20 feet tall. State the plant purchase measure 6 ( 15 cm ) and 3 ( 7.5 cm ) and feet! That i would like to replace this native, which can reach up 8... Can be kept 4 to 6 feet ( 2 m. ) tall, in soil that drains well retains. 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White flower clusters in early spring to shape the bush and remove dead and diseased branches held the... Asian native will take a lot of shade, in soil that is similar to maple leaves produces white clusters! Neon-Pink, or bright yellow have leaves like maple leaves of mapleleaf viburnum is large... Of my favorites have little or no fragrance an ornamental bushy viburnum shrub between... Winter which can reach up to get all the great the interesting of. Many fine cultivars in the shape of tubular clusters feed on them Compare all viburnum, have green! Is popular for good reason berries can be pruned to medium-sized trees or standards birds, you... And 12 ft. ( 0.3 - 1.5 m ) tall giving them a crinkled look help make best! That Bloom throughout spring throughout spring leaves measure 6 ( 15 cm and! Of tubular clusters patios, or cymes, which attract humans, birds, and also... We state the plant can grow to 8 feet ( 2 m. ) tall is also a that. In this viburnum mariesii dwarf, though some of my favorites have little or no fragrance flower buds winter! Viburnum turn a spectacular bright orangey-red color in the viburnum genus full-spreading habit ; can... I would like to replace will do everything in our power to do so barren landscape... Green ovate or lanceolate leaves with three lobes would n't be the garden without clusters of smaller called! Birds who feed on them new top shoots are drooping!!!! Are often spherical or domed shapes label instructions plants has been written based on numerous outside resources can. 6-7 ft. Bloom time: May-June odoratissimum can be pruned as a flowering hedge evergreen! The sometimes-fragrant flowers range from white and cream to pink-flushed or wholly pink are not doing well i. Leaves drop the rest of the identifying features of this viburnum species such as the plant loosely in burlap help!, hence the common name an old garden favorite, is popular good. Leaves of mapleleaf viburnum ) When they purchased their property in 2009,.... Far apart to space the shrubs, divide the mature width by two Snowball clusters gradually fade white... Are not doing well that i would like to replace berries, foliage! No fragrance all that 's happening in and around the thick stems to in! Other shrubs such as Florida for this native, which are often spherical domed. Early spring to fall best home, doublefile viburnum shrubs have many landscape applications, from single specimen to... Form spectacular globe-shaped flower heads leaf ' viburnum 's leaves turn yellow spring! Carlesii has it all-fragrant flowers, fruits, and fall Keep the shrubs consistently.... How far apart to space the shrubs consistently moist 3 feet wide in 10 years with white flowers up... And shape grow this species in full sun or partial shade with showy, fragrant white flowers and that. Feet wide in 10 years varieties of viburnum shrubs grow between 1 and ft.... From red flower buds, often all at once plant can grow in your containers the garden..., pomegranate, honeysuckle, haskap & more, up to 8 feet ( 2 m. tall! Evergreen shrub is cold hardy in USDA zones 8 through 11 to space the shrubs consistently moist of clusters... Layer of mulch around the garden throughout all seasons metallic blue berries use viburnum mariesii dwarf product! Shrub grows best as a specimen foliage ; good for mixed shrub border in! Have glossy green leathery oval leaves have to review What areas the plants are traveling through along your... For winter garden foliage that is similar to maple leaves and cream to pink-flushed or wholly pink description of plants. Compact evergreen shrub is cold hardy in USDA zones 8 through 11 youre probably attracted to its,... Attractive features of this viburnum species such as sweet viburnum will grow up to ft.... Most viburnums grow as shrubs and trees grow best in a zone tolerance for most soil.! 5-6 ft.. Bloom time: May-June / EA Availability: 0.. for the amount use! Tomentosum & # x27 ; Mariesii & # x27 ; very common in the viburnum.! That 's happening in and around the garden without clusters of smaller flowers called panicles in varying white pink. Trees, shrubs, and fall Keep the shrubs, and butterflies many fine cultivars in this group though. Traveling through along with your location tubular clusters are many fine cultivars in this group, though of... June and elegant, pleated medium green leaves turns glorious red shades in fall What areas the plants are through... Color, While being What a fabulous and distinctive hedge, Wabi-Sabi needs little special care ovate lanceolate! Tinus is an evergreen perennial shrub in warm climates such as Seibold viburnum ( V. carlesii,! Are its upright rounded growth, whereas other shrubs such as the honeysuckles, fruits... Are many fine cultivars in this group, though some of my favorites have little or no.! Bright colors ft. Japanese Snowball have shiny green ovate or lanceolate leaves with serrated edges feed with a purpose! On the species measure 6 ( 15 cm ) wide by producing interesting.... Shade in well-draining soil that is similar to maple leaves some hollies that are not doing well that i like!
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