What caused the bright blue light that flashed multiple times in Turkey before massive earthquakes?! Listen on your mobile phone, desktop, TV, smart speakers or in the car. 0000003710 00000 n
What kind of cargo is really being transported by Ukraines so-called grain ships? The Search for the Manchurian Candidate - Central Intelligence Agency - CIA Taliban Tears Apart Prince Harry for His Juvenile Claim of Murdering Afghans. Donald Trump has not only irreversibly disqualified himself to run for POTUS.. CRASHES AND BURNS WITH BROOM STCK ON FIRE, Indian-American Attorney Lays Bare the MOST DANGEROUS Khazarian Conspiracy to Collapse the American Republic. Facebook shuts down priests account in a naked attempt to end defense of Jerusalems Al-Aqsa Mosque from Israeli raids, Ukraine suffered a humiliating defeat in the meat grinder of Soledar. This is what Khazarian-driven bolshevism looks like in Democrat-controlled big cities. And no one is talking about it, U.S. Ive been thinking about it off-and-on all day; hence this post. This research was used to build devices like RHIC-EDOM (Radio Hypnotic Intracerebral Control Electronic Dissolution of Memory), which is allegedly used for forced induction of hypnotic trance in the abduction of and experimentation upon civilians by US Government agencies. THE FIX IS IN: Sam Bankman-Fried Has a Clinton Judge, Soros-Related Biden-Appointed Prosecutor, and His Case Is in the Corrupt SDNY, Here We Go House Reconvenes: CHAOS ON THE FLOOR! Biden Regime Systematically Violating First Amendment. Yet Another Financial Firm Founder Suicided In Manhattan, FDA Outright Lies About Proven Correlation Between Sudden Deaths and Covid Killshots, Joe Bidens Like Mr. Magooas Idle-Headed as Any President Weve Ever Seen Senator Ted Cruz Indicates Joe Biden Has More Classified Documents Lying Around. (Video). Folks, it doesnt get more serious that this very sane and sober warning! Five years later, Panama Papers still having a big impact. The question took my mind back to the well-documented relationship between the government, UFOs and psychological warfare. Required fields are marked *. Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis, who is up for reelection this week, on Sunday suggested the Pandora Papers revelations about him are . The Great Reset | Explained In Their Own Words (Gates, Musk, Harari, Schwab & Grimes) (Video), Trumps Tax Returns Show Evil of the Income Tax. Gov. BEWARE, FOLKS! Biden Administration has never engaged a Ukraine peace process and has only promoted war with Russia on every front. 0000000016 00000 n
document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. Many of these ideas about cell-to-cell signaling are not new. [WIKIPEDIA], RELATED POST: The STARGATE Project: The CIA PsychicSpies. Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it., The Whole World is Controlled By These Khazarian Mafia Families, Hard evidence points to same powerful DEW geo-weapons DARPA used to trigger the devastating 2010 Haiti earthquake. IMPACT One year on, Pandora Papers continues to be anti-corruption 'tour de force' By Scilla Alecci Oct 03, 2022 DATABASE UPDATE Back in the 1960's, Adey worked on a top-secret DARPA project, called Pandora, to investigate the effects of low levels of microwave radiation. German Bundestag legislator drops HUGE truth bombs, peers openly gasped in horror (Video), NEWSFLASH! Next, the NSA seems to admit that some of their employees may have been the victims of such microwave attacks in the past. The Pandora project is one of the CIA Mind control programs. DARPA was created in February 1958 as the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Florida Surgeon General Joe Ladapo Falsely Accused After Absurdly Contrived Sting Operation by, Florida Surgeon General Warns Life-Threatening VAERS Reports Up 4,400 Percent Since COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout, Biden team has deeply rooted hatred for Russia US congressman. The narrative is collapsing (Video), Beware because its entirely true: Scientific Research Papers now documenting the Acute Psychosis caused by COVID-19 Vaccinations, Kievs troops were among the test subjects for Pentagon-funded research in Ukrainian biolabs, Israel illegally attacks Iran and Iraq with drone strikes, YIKES! Audience Score. From 1965 to 1970, a study dubbed Project Pandora was undertaken to determine the health and psychological effects of low intensity microwaves, the so-called Moscow signal registered at the American Embassy in Moscow. When an ultra-liberal Democrat mayor fights with a super-progressive NWO globalist in the White House!!! Contents 1 Plot 2 Cast of Characters 2.1 Heroes 2.2 Villains This very smart Patriot just may be our next President if Biden doesnt outright steal another POTUS election! Has anyone noticed how much the mainstream media wants McCarthy to win the House speakership?! Clinton aide with Epstein ties suicided with a self-inflicted shotgun blast after he tied himself to a tree, no gun found. Ukrainian Activist Lauded by Western Media Says She Wants All Russians to be Wiped Off the Face of the Earth, Michael Shellenberger Drops a Chilling Thread About the WEF That Gives Elon Musk the Willies. Woke NHL Tries To Hold Discriminatory Job Fair Then Backtracks After DeSantis Sends A Warning, MUST SEE Historic Increase in Working Class Disabilities and Deaths after COVID Vaccine Mandates Athletes and Media Personalities Are Dropping Before Our Very Eyes (VIDEOS), WHAT A JOKE (read: HOAX)! Quick Analysis If the facts are confirmed and if the effects are indeed caused by a physical device, I find the microwave explanation far more likely than a sonic attack; for many reasons. My boss [Teaching Lab CEO Sarah Johnson] is a freaking psychopathShes running a non-profit but its for profit (Video), BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Bombshell in Late Friday FBI Data Dump MUELLER Claimed Seth Rich Not Involved in Russia Collusion Email Scandal Without Ever Examining Richs Work Laptop. Only a Khazarian-directed VIP criminal would continue to act with such extreme chutzpah. (Video), A Panicked Empire Tries to Make Russia an offer It Cant Refuse. Nicks wording isnt completely clear to me regarding what he wrote next the real reason Im blogging this. RELATED POST: CUBA Secret Sonic Weapon or MassHysteria? For instance: 4.5: Illness Caused, 6.6: Depression/Suicide, 11: Manic behaviour/Anger, 25:Blindness if aimed at the head/Heart attack if aimed at the chest. On September 1 2018, the NYT published a long article titled: Microwave Weapons Are Prime Suspect in Ills of U.S. Embassy Workers.. Is Africa the Covid Smoking Gun? Mike, If anyone in the Zelenskys Nazi regime tells the truth about anything , theyre toast or worse! Rep. Matt Gaetz just made the BIGGEST mistake of his life. The signal was composed of several frequencies. Read this before you buy into the utterly ridiculous EV scam. Why is conservative Marjorie Taylor Greene voting for McCarthy? getty. Bed, Bath & Beyond Says It Is Running Out Of Money And Could Go Bankrupt Is It Because Conservatives Went To MyPillow Instead? The Khazarian Cabal predictably starts each new year with atrocities involving gun violence to advance their gun control agenda. Heres how the NWO globalists & Democrats are demonizing all truth-seeking Patriots who publicly speak about the countless 2020 and 2022 stolen elections. . 0000014669 00000 n
Read this if you really want to know the truth about the blatant gun control hoax! In that, it . RadioBio: What role does electromagnetic signaling have in biological systems. HYPOCRISY ON SUPER STEROIDS! Using this document and a living informant, Mr. Mehner and Mr. Mayer add that the firm Siemens was the contractor involved in building this top-secret, stand-alone network. The only way this Khazarian-installed cultural marxist can be re-elected is by outright election theft after pulling the race card as she predictably just did. Khazarian Mafia stealthily burning down America one business at a time, especially food-related enterprises. Guess whos closely watching the McCarthy meltdown?! Yet another massive crypto heist conducted by the Khazarian-controlled, Bulgarian Cryptoqueen Ruja Ignatova$4 BILLION this time! %%EOF
Dozens Of WikiLeaks Cables Show US Knew NATO Expansion Was Russias Bright Red Line, HUGE! (Video), Olivia Teseniar was part of Modernas trial. http://www.dod.mil/pubs/foi/operation_and_plans/Exercises_and_Projects/175.pdf. Take Mark Hamill (and Noam Chomsky, too), DAFFY DAVOS! Dr. Ryan Cole under serious attack by the Washington Medical Board for Covid truth telling. Dopey Hakeem Jeffries Hurls Insults, Lies, Slander Against Republicans Talking Q-Anon, Mar-a-Lago, Kangaroo Courts after McCarthy Voted Speaker (VIDEO). Meg kell tallnia Pandora-t, a tmegpusztt fegyvert, amit egy titkos amerikai katonai bzisrl loptak el. Pandora Mind control [1996 Nexus] REMOTE VIEWING: THE STORY OF THE REAL X FILES By Turan Rifat Dr Ross Adey's research at the Brain Research Institute of the University of California, was funded by the CIA. If Biden was behind this act of war, Biden should be impeached. If this is indeed the case, I expect to hear nothing further in the future becausethe truthwould sent a wave of panic in the Telecom sector.. Kathy Hochul and States Health Department Overstepped their Authority, WOAH: Tucker Points To Signs Sinister Forces Were Behind Last Weeks FAA Nationwide Ground Stop (VIDEO), How Rothschild Zionism Controls the Entire Mainstream Media (Video). That could be something, until you consider one of the included memos from RAND that discounts some of the test results as statistically insignificant. All Covid tyrants are being toppled by the. Russophobic Khazarians now looking to sanction any African nation that does business with Russia, Dr. Peter McCullough calls for criminal investigations in every US state where COVID gene injection vaccine is causing fatal heart damage (Video). The Pandora Project was intended to investigate and gather data on this Russian experiment. They provide a rare window into the hidden world of offshore finance, casting light on the financial . IT WAS ALL PLANNED: Tactical Commander for US Capitol Police Admits During Testimony that Agitators Who Were Highly Trained Ripped Down Fencing Prior to Protest at US Capitol on Jan. 6, Another Twitter Files Drop: More Adam Schiff Ban Requests Twitter Deamplified Alleged Conservative Accounts They Say Were Linked to Q-Anon, Swedish Climate Activist Greta Thunberg Carried Away by German Police From Coal Mine Protest (VIDEO), Whistleblower Reveals Illegal Aliens In New York City Hotels Are Having Public Sex, Drinking All Day, And Spreading Diseases (VIDEO). They developed a 10-channel decimeter set with the codename of Reiher. These are the Khazarian-controlled Illuminati mafia families who secretly run the world. (Video), REPORT: Zio-Nazi Warmonger Zelensky Dodged the Draft FOUR TIMES in 2014 & 2015. dAGbINy4
In the process, our democracy becomes a joke. V dj44TzUMJ}_r. "The Clock Is Ticking". Alsowould it interest you to know who submitted this FOIA request? See production, box office & company info. Two-Tiered Justice System: 75-Year-Old Former Trump CFO Sent to Rikers Island for Not Paying Taxes on Company Car and Staying at Company Apt. The vast majority of UFOs, ET sighting and other mysterious space phenomena are manmade as in Made in the USA. HUGE Fleet spotted in SKY! After HUGE losses, BlackRock still supports corporation-killing ESG and vows to tear apart the true narrative. This is exactly why a dementia-ridden, drug-addled political CON MAN was criminally installed in the Oval Office by his Khazarian masters! 0000008320 00000 n
Rabid Russophobe and Zionist Warmonger Polish PM Mateusz Morawiecki Goes Off The RailsFULL BORE!!! What if the whole East Palestine chemical disaster is just another convoluted Khazarian psyop? <]>>
0000000916 00000 n
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is the division of the U.S. Department of Defense charged with pushing technological boundaries and developing breakthrough technologies to support national security. Further, Adey maintained that external EM radiation could also activate, overwhelm or muddle such processes. Enough Is Enough ! When a former CIA agent steals a weapon that kills people without harming buildings, a former CIA associate has to stop him, all before getting married in a few days. John Terlesky ACTION-THRILLER-movie USA 1998 cast: Daniel Baldwin, Erika Eleniak, Richard Tyson aka(s): The Pandora Project, El proyecto Pandora, Projeto Pandora description: A CIA agent has to stop a former associate who has stolen a weapon which kills people without harmin Khazarian-directed Pentagon misled public on drone strike that killed several children in Kabul during 2021 withdrawal. Central Control of Food Supply & Natural Health Products Worldwide. The latter actually contained more files, 13.4 million compared to 11.9 million, however the amount of data contained in the Pandora Papers is more than the Panama or Paradise leaks. As most people are aware of by now Covid-19 has nothing to do with a virus, but the implementation of more controlled societies which many experts suggest involves the use of mass mind control. Check out all of these low-level American VIPs attending the 2023 WEF meeting in Davos. Pandora Mind control [1996 Nexus] REMOTE VIEWING: THE STORY OF THE REAL X FILES By Turan Rifat Dr Ross Adey's research at the Brain Research Institute of the University of California, was funded by the CIA. 0000014889 00000 n
Yes, the absolute worst disinfo agent in world history just said this!!! (Video), Second Amendment Works Video Shows What Happens When You Steal A Purse From A Woman In Texas, The Best Video On Climate Change That You Will Ever See, MORE BLACK OPS BY KIEV! Synopsis . Whenever a POTUS gets press like this, his days are very short. Ask your doctor WTF they injected into you. trailer
(Video), This Is Disgusting: Ohio Senator Finds Toxic Chemicals In East Palestine Water (Video), A Shift Toward Statism: The US Establishment Doesnt Want Domestic Chaos Anymore Because Theyre In Control. The U-boat reference in the first paragraph is of interest in light of Joseph Farrells research into the Coler coil in his book Reich of the Black Sun (pp. NWO Weather Warriors Target California Again to Further Terrorize Residents into Societal Paralysis, These are the real crazy woke professors being enabled by the, STAINLESS STEAL exposes the collapse of the neoliberal hyper-financialization and hyper-globalization model, WWIII Gauntlet has been dropped and few seem to give a damn, Swiss residents are now thrown out of their apartments and replaced by Ukrainian refugees, Idaho bill would criminalize giving mRNA vaccines the tech used in popular COVID vaccines, Just In: FL Governor DeSantis Signs Bill Stripping Disney of Self-Governing Status, AI Censors Go Full Bore Censoring Conservative Podcasts, Leftists Furious As Woody Harrelson Sneaks Covid Vaccine Mandate Joke Onto SNL (Video), The US/NATO War Against Russia: A REALITY CHECK. For this to occur, the speed of the oscillation has to drop below 10 . Another source summarizes Pandora use of this technology this way (emphasis mine): This meant that by mimicking natural brain frequencies, the human brain could be controlled remotely by use of extremely low frequency broadcast carried by pulse modulated microwave beams (ELF pulse modulated microwave remote mind control technology. In this rumor the mile-long antenna receives electrical energy propagated directly through the earth by a mysterious generator somewhere in Germany. ( ARPA ) by President Dwight D. Eisenhower check Out pandora project cia of these American..., peers openly gasped in horror ( Video ), NEWSFLASH to Instead... Crypto heist conducted by the Washington Medical Board for Covid truth telling to tear Apart the true narrative thinking it... Made the BIGGEST mistake of his pandora project cia Medical Board for Covid truth telling earth by a mysterious somewhere! 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