Employment verification requests are processed by the Payroll department. Mrs.Ruiz has been a band director for 19 years, 15 of which have been with CCISD. New employees must enroll for benefits within 31 calendar days of their hire date by utilizing the online enrollment system. The Stream publishes firsthand stories from district staff, students and community members who support CCISD. 3F, Ginza, Chuo 104-0061 Tokyo, Japan, One Blue Jays Way, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 1J4. Welcome to Clear Falls High School, a State School of Character! CCISD posts all job descriptions for positions in the District. Benefits renew on September 1 annually. Students, Ph.D. Clear Creek ISD will prepare an original service record request for previous employees. Administration 801 Leopard St. Corpus Christi, Texas 78401 3616957200 | ccisd.us 1 (current) 2; Search Enter one or many search criteria to find a specific entry. 2022-2023 CCISD School Calendar Event; August 29 - September 1: CCISD Staff PD (days TBD by supervisor) September 2-5: Labor Day Recess: September 6: First Day of School : September 21: Early Dismissal for Students / PD for Staff: October 5: Count Day Full Day of School: October 6: 1/2 Day for Students / PD for Staff: October 14: Area Wide . Kumpula, Cody. - October is National Principals Month Sunday, March 12 at 6:00 PM. To change this setting: Clear Creek School District RE-1. For Mac OS users, there is a system setting that may not allow you to tab onto several types of elements in a web page. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Chief Human Resources Officer, 21003 IH 35, Kyle, Texas 78640 at 512-268-2141. the clear creek independent school district. Clearity is dedicated to sharing the latest employee news and announcements, podcast episodes, employee stories and pictures, calendar events, benefits information, employee documents and resources, staff directory, and more. Booster Clubs; CCCC of PTA's (opens in new window/tab) Clear Creek Education Foundation (opens in new window/tab) Volunteer; Schools. Health and Safety; . Show your support of our high school and intermediate teams by following the seasonal schedules. Fax:(906)487-9348, Great Lakes Research Center, MTU Fax:(906)482-1931, Telephone:(906)482-4250 Telephone: 482-4250 Ext. clear creek independent school district. The Stream publishes firsthand stories from district staff, students and community members who support CCISD. Keyword First Name Last Name. You are invited to complete the Exit Interview Survey. District. Please update your demographic data through the Employee Access Center. Concurrent Degree Programs, Requesting a Financial Aid Award for a Student, Admitted Students Transfer & Visitor Status , Visiting Scholar and Visiting Student Researcher Admissions, Death Penalty Clinic Amicus Curiae Briefs, Whitewashing the Jury Box: How California Perpetuates the Discriminatory Exclusion of Black and Latinx Jurors, Promoting Human Rights in the United States, A Rights-Based Approach to Combating Poverty: Economic, Social & Cultural Rights, Family Members of Anastasio Hernandez Rojas vs. United States, Independent Investigation of the Murder of Berta Cceres, Living with Impunity: Unsolved Murders in Oakland and the Human Rights Impact on Victims Family Members, Who Will Be Left to Defend Human Rights? Room D @ CTE. 1-844-729-3539. 809 Hecla Street The Teacher Center team members only print orders of 300 sheets or less. Administration 801 Leopard St. Corpus Christi, Texas 78401 3616957200 | ccisd.us All small items need to be in boxes (including cables and flat panel displays). Your web browser does not support the